The IE Pledge

I will stand in solidarity with BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, and Disability communities and the planet.

I will not ignore the intersections of environmentalism and social justice.

I will use my privilege to advocate for Black and brown lives in spaces where their messages are often silenced.

I will proactively do the work to learn about the environmental and social injustices these communities face without minimizing their voices.

I will respect the boundaries of BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, and Disability friends and activists and not demand they perform emotional labor or do the work for me.

I will share my learnings with other environmentalists and my community.

I will amplify the messages of BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, and Disability justice activists and environmental leaders.

I will not remain silent during pivotal political and cultural moments that impact targeted communities.

Take The IE Pledge