The Intersectional Environmentalist Database

Search for grassroots and intersectional organizations in your local area and fields of interest to support, take action and donate today!

Advancing Equity & Opportunity Collaborative: Democratizing Rural Electric Cooperatives Working Group

Advancing Equity & Opportunity Collaborative (AEO) is a coalition of groups in the South working to identify and address the opportunities and threats associated with energy extraction, production and use in the region, and the related impacts on Black communities, communities of color and low-wealth communities.

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South Carolina South Carolina

New Alpha Community Development Corporation

Our mission is to create a lasting impact through our initiatives, campaigns, and strategic partnerships. To accomplish our mission, we rely on support from brave groups and individuals just like you, who know that marginalized communities will suffer until we drive exponential change. With your help, we can break socioeconomic barriers and address water, air, land, and healthcare issues that still affect vulnerable communities today.

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IE Amplified Orgs

The IE Amplifier Program is a media capacity-building initiative that aims to amplify the efforts of participating organizations across IE’s media ecosystem. Through the IE Amplifier Program, Intersectional Environmentalist designs engaging social media assets, toolkits, videos, and other resources for participating organizations with the goal of connecting people with organizations leading intersectional approaches to environmentalism in their own communities.

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