The Intersectional Environmentalist Database

Search for grassroots and intersectional organizations in your local area and fields of interest to support, take action and donate today!

We don’t currently have organizations at the intersections you’re looking for, but this database is an ever-growing database.
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New Mexico Sustainable Sabs New Mexico Sustainable Sabs

Los Jardines Institue

The work of the founders of Los Jardines Institute spans over 70 years of social, environmental and economic justice organizing, education and building a multi-generational movement.We are a predominately volunteer-run organization that supports itself through our projects and grass roots fundraising.

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New Mexico Sustainable Sabs New Mexico Sustainable Sabs

Nuestra Tierra Coservation Project

Our mission is to ensure that historically and deliberately excluded communities have access to the outdoors and that their history, values, and people are authentically reflected in public land and water management decisions.

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New Mexico Sustainable Sabs New Mexico Sustainable Sabs

Pueblo Action Alliance

Pueblo Action Alliance is a community driven grassroots organization that protects Pueblo cultural sustainability and community defense by addressing environmental and social impacts in Indigenous communities.

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IE Amplified Orgs

The IE Amplifier Program is a media capacity-building initiative that aims to amplify the efforts of participating organizations across IE’s media ecosystem. Through the IE Amplifier Program, Intersectional Environmentalist designs engaging social media assets, toolkits, videos, and other resources for participating organizations with the goal of connecting people with organizations leading intersectional approaches to environmentalism in their own communities.

Are we missing your favorite org?

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