The Intersectional Environmentalist Database

Search for grassroots and intersectional organizations in your local area and fields of interest to support, take action and donate today!

We don’t currently have organizations at the intersections you’re looking for, but this database is an ever-growing database.
Nominate orgs we’re missing here!
Indiana Sustainable Sabs Indiana Sustainable Sabs

Earth Charter Indiana

Earth Charter Indiana exists to inspire and advance sustainable, just and peaceful living in Indiana by promoting the values and principles of the Earth Charter.

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Indiana Sustainable Sabs Indiana Sustainable Sabs

Just Transition Northwest Indiana

JTNWI is committed to educating and organizing Northwest Indiana communities and workers, giving voice to our shared stories, and supporting a just transition to a regenerative economy that protects the environment, climate, and future generations.

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Indiana Sustainable Sabs Indiana Sustainable Sabs

Kheprw Institute

Kheprw Institute (KI) works to create a more just, equitable, human-centered world by nurturing youth and young adults to be leaders, critical thinkers, and doers who see the people in any community as the most valuable assets and are committed to working with community assets to bring about change that leads to empowered self-reliant and self-determining communities

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Indiana Sustainable Sabs Indiana Sustainable Sabs

Teter Organic Farm

Our mission at Teter is to increase access to healthy food for the vulnerable and provide ecological education while building relationships and community. We believe we can help create an equitable food system that provides the nutrition, community, and ecological healing that allows everyone to thrive.

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IE Amplified Orgs

The IE Amplifier Program is a media capacity-building initiative that aims to amplify the efforts of participating organizations across IE’s media ecosystem. Through the IE Amplifier Program, Intersectional Environmentalist designs engaging social media assets, toolkits, videos, and other resources for participating organizations with the goal of connecting people with organizations leading intersectional approaches to environmentalism in their own communities.

Are we missing your favorite org?

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